Every year, over 17,000 people in the US under the age of 19 are shot.*
No single, simple action will reduce child accidents, teenage catastrophes
and crime more than securing every gun in a home, vehicle and place of business.
If you have a gun or access to one, REAIM at
preventable shootings NOW by clicking a link below.
* CDC 2016


Whether or not one believes that only a good guy with a gun
can stop a bad guy with a gun, most can agree that fewer bad guys
(or severely mentally ill people) with guns will lead to fewer shooting crises.
In successive national polls since 2012, over 90% of respondents, including 90% of gun owners, supported expanded, mandatory background checks on all gun purchases.*
To REAIM at preventable shootings--not at the rights of Americans
to responsibly own and use firearms--click one of these links.
*2012, 2013, 2014 by Reuters/Ipsos, CBS News/
New York Times and Quinnipiac University


How Americans use firearms--legally or illegally--
is key to saving lives and reducing injuries.
A man on death row for shooting a friend he argued with at a party
said the one thing he wished he had really learned about guns when he
was younger was: "After shooting someone, you can’t take it back."
REAIM at irreversible shooting consequences by clicking a link below.


All guns have triggers. All people do, too.
With a gun in hand, or nearby, how one THINKS... about safety, responsibility
or conflict resolution can end, or save a life, or lives, in a heartbeat.
To REAIM at the triggers of preventable shootings, click any link.


Some of the worst gun violence in the US today
is in communities with the toughest gun laws.
Inner city teens trapped in vicious cycles of poverty, unemployment, drugs,
retribution and real or perceived fear for their lives need better education, resources
and economic opportunities to believe that bullets can never solve these problems.
To REAIM at senseless shootings in your neighborhood, click a link.
Turning guns into jobs!
Hard lessons from
hard time
Preventing potential shootings with 500 years of prison experience
One son a victim, the other
the perp; two loving moms
find common mission
Swapping guns
for laptops.
By the numbers


*Congressional Budget Office
**Violence Policy Center
As tragic and worrisome as terrorism and mass shootings are, together they
are less than 1% of annual gun deaths and injuries in the US for the last 30 years.
Since 9-11, our country has spent half a trillion dollars on homeland security.*
Since 9-11, half a million civilians have been shot to death in our homeland.**
To REAIM at gun violence on American soil, click any link.
By the numbers
How many Americans
are killed by terrorism?
Mass media and
mass shootings
Hitting home
Mass shootings fuel fear,
but are a fraction of murders


Every day 58 Americans aim a gun at themselves and end their lives.
Suicides—including murder-suicides, where guns are used to take the lives of others first—are
the leading cause of shooting deaths in the US each year. While not every suicide can be prevented,
nearly 90% of people who survive an attempt on their life DO NOT go on to kill themselves.
Securing ALL guns in homes, easier access to mental health counseling, and distributing
suicide awareness and prevention materials at gun stores and firing ranges are proven
ways to help save lives. Learn more in links; the life you help save may be your own.